Saba Akbar

Saba Akbar

Hey there, I'm Saba Akbar, a home cook, food writer and content creator, a GERD survivor (with a decade long history of acid reflux), wellness explorer and your guide to wholesome eating. Learning about food helped me manage my digestive issues and discover the joy of a healthy diet. Everyday, I'm researching and learning something new about food and wellness. At Foodasty, I share my 25 years of kitchen experience and self-taught nutrition wisdom combo to help you fuel delicious journeys with pure food and a joyful body. Join me at Foodasty, my platform for wholesome eating, as we cook our way to a happier, healthier you.
5 Reasons Why Hot Cheetos Give You Diarrhea

5 Reasons Why Hot Cheetos Give You Diarrhea?

Hot Cheetos can cause diarrhea because of their high capsaicin content. Besides this, the high sodium of Cheetos, especially if eaten excessively, causes diarrhea. Also, individual health conditions or sensitivities can lead to runs. Want to know in detail why…

6 Ways How Hot Cheetos Make You Fat

Hot Cheetos and Similar Chips May Make You Fat

Several researches, like a 2022 study published in PMC, have identified ultra-processed food to increase obesity risk among adults and children by 79% through various factors. And Hot Cheetos also fall under the category of UPFs. So, it comes as…

Do Graham Crackers Cause Gas? Graham crackers dont typically cause gas

Graham Crackers May Cause Gas in Some People…

Graham crackers’ fiber may cause gas in some due to gut bacteria fermentation. Individual sensitivity and FODMAP content in certain varieties play a role. While sugar malabsorption is possible, it’s less common. Gluten’s impact is likely minimal due to the…

Skip Ritz Crackers for Easing Diarrhea!

Ritz crackers might offer temporary relief for mild diarrhea due to their blandness and easy digestion. However, their high sodium, fat, and FODMAPs can worsen symptoms in some. It’s best to prioritize bland, easily digestible options like plain rice, toast,…

Can Tuna Cause Gas Yes… Here are 7 Reasons

Tuna May Cause Gas in Some People…

Tuna, your tasty seafood delight, may cause gas in some people depending on personal sensitivities, intolerances like FODMAP, histamine, high fat content or added ingredients, cooking methods or type of tuna used. Want to know in detail how exactly tuna…