Skip Ritz Crackers for Easing Diarrhea!

Ritz crackers might offer temporary relief for mild diarrhea due to their blandness and easy digestion. However, their high sodium, fat, and FODMAPs can worsen symptoms in some. It’s best to prioritize bland, easily digestible options like plain rice, toast, or the BRAT diet. Consult a doctor for personalized advice and remember, they’re not a cure. Focus on hydration and listen to your body! 

Want to know more about how Ritz crackers do not make an ideal choice for diarrhea? 

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Downsides of Indulging in Ritz Cracker With Upset Stomach

Ritz Crackers might be okay for some people with diarrhea and upset stomach. Still, it’s essential to consider your situation and consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice. 

Here’s why:

Salty Surprise

A 16-gram, single serving of Ritz crackers (5 crackers) contains about 130 mg of sodium. It’s about over 5.6% of your daily sodium needs–the FDA recommends keeping your sodium intake limit under 2300 mg! 

But who stops at 5 crackers only?

Eating more crackers might make you exceed your sodium limits.

This much salt pulls water into your intestines.

This may worsen diarrhea and make you feel crummy longer.

Fatty Factor

Ritz crackers have some fat, mainly from soybean oil. 

While good fats are essential, your already upset stomach might struggle to digest them. 

This can lead to more bloating and discomfort.


For some people, Ritz crackers hide unfriendly ingredients called FODMAPs.

These are hard-to-digest carbs that cause bloating and gas, especially for those with sensitivities. 

Eating them during diarrhea can make things much worse.

Irritating Ingredients

Besides the main stuff, Ritz crackers often contain extras like preservatives and flavorings.

These might seem harmless, but they can trigger sensitivities in some people, making their digestive issues even worse.

Individual sensitivities

Everyone reacts differently to food, and what works for one person might not work for another.

If you have any food sensitivities or allergies and your present diarrhea is due those sensitivities Ritz crackers might not help you.

Instead, they can potentially worsen.

So, it’s crucial to check the ingredients list carefully before consuming Ritz Crackers or any other food.

Then, Why Ritz Crackers May Help Some People with Diarrhea?

While not a cure-all, Ritz crackers may offer some gentle relief for mild diarrhea or upset stomach.

Here is why:

1. Bland and Easy Digestibility

Ritz crackers are known for their simple ingredients: mainly flour, sugar, and salt. 

This means they’re easy on sensitive stomachs! 


It’s because they lack complex fibers and spices, which can be challenging to digest.

Plus, they have simple carbs that provide quick energy without being too heavy on your tummy.

Finally, their low fiber content means they won’t bulk things up and make you feel worse.

So, when your stomach doesn’t feel its best, reaching for a plain Ritz cracker might just be the gentle snack you need!

2. Potential Contribution to Rehydration

When you have diarrhea, drinking enough fluids is super important.

It’s because, with diarrhea, your body loses fluids through poop.  

But sometimes, it’s challenging  to maintain hydration.

Chewing Ritz crackers with your fluids can actually help you drink more!

Besides this, when you chew and swallow, your mouth makes more saliva.

This helps your body break down food and makes you feel thirsty.

Thus, Ritz crackers are a good choice because they’re easy to digest and have a mild flavor. 

They go well with fluids and can help you rehydrate.

3. Potential Source of Electrolytes

Some Ritz crackers have extra nutrients called electrolytes, like sodium and potassium.

These help your body stay balanced with the right amount of fluids.

When you have diarrhea, you lose fluids and electrolytes.

Ritz crackers won’t replace all the electrolytes you lose, but they can help a little. 

This might make you feel better faster.

Please note that Ritz crackers aren’t a cure for bad digestion, but you can opt for their neutral nutritional profile.

Best Alternatives of Ritz Cracker When you Have Diarrhea

When diarrhea strikes, Ritz crackers might seem like a familiar, bland option. 

However, healthier alternative choices offer better support for your troubled tummy. 

Let’s explore some science-backed alternatives:

1. Bland Carbohydrates

Plain white rice, toast, or baked potatoes are easily digested and low in fiber, causing minimal irritation. 

This gentle approach allows your gut to rest and recover.

2. BRAT Diet Power

Bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast – the classic BRAT diet – shine for a reason. 

These bland, low-fat, and easily digestible options provide essential carbohydrates and electrolytes, aiding recovery.

3. Electrolyte Boost

Clear broths and diluted sports drinks replenish lost electrolytes and fluids crucial during diarrhea.

Your body absorbs them quickly.

Thus, they help combat dehydration, a major concern.

4. The Power of Plain

Plain yogurt with live cultures (probiotics) offers a double whammy.

The blandness soothes your stomach, while probiotics promote healthy gut bacteria, aiding digestion and recovery.

5. Nature’s Remedy

Ripe applesauce provides easily digestible pectin, a soluble fiber that helps firm up stool consistency, offering gentle relief.


These are just general guidelines.

  • Consult a doctor: Always consult with your doctor or a registered dietitian before making significant changes to your diet, especially if you have persistent diarrhea or other symptoms concerning it.
  • Start slowly: If you decide to try Ritz Crackers, start with a small amount and see how you tolerate them.
  • Listen to your body: Pay attention to how your body feels after eating Ritz Crackers or any other food. If you experience any worsening symptoms, stop eating them and consult your doctor.

By making smart choices about what you drink, you can help your tummy get better faster!


This information is for educational purposes only and doesn’t replace professional medical advice. Seek a healthcare professional for a personalized diagnosis and treatment.

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Saba Akbar
Saba Akbar

Hey there,
I'm Saba Akbar, a home cook, food writer and content creator, a GERD survivor (with a decade long history of acid reflux), wellness explorer and your guide to wholesome eating.
Learning about food helped me manage my digestive issues and discover the joy of a healthy diet. Everyday, I'm researching and learning something new about food and wellness. At Foodasty, I share my 25 years of kitchen experience and self-taught nutrition wisdom combo to help you fuel delicious journeys with pure food and a joyful body. Join me at Foodasty, my platform for wholesome eating, as we cook our way to a happier, healthier you.

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